I have always been intrigued with faces. . . real or created. I started doodling them as far back as I can remember. And not just faces but flowers, leaves, swirls, squiggles and letters as well. I never really thought my doodles were anything other than mindless scribbling as a means to keep myself occupied during classes, then meetings and lectures as I got older.

I never dreamed that someday I could actually call my scrap paper scribbles, art. . until I spent a day with Traci Baustia. She convinced me to just let go, that it was ok. . . So here I am on yet another journey. . artFace, a blog and a line of goodies created to celebrate all things face.

Monday, February 4, 2013

29 Faces - day 4

Do you believe in spirits? I've been struggling with this for quite a while now. But, I do. This morning it happened again. I heard a crash. No not cars outside, but inside the house. I'm in one part of the house and in a totally different part, with no one around, a pile of things crash to the ground. I know who it is...

~ R.I.P. Jimmy: Tu eres ido, pero nunca se olvida, mi amigo ~
My best friend of twenty years passed suddenly away last year. He was bigger than life, Mr. Personality, the center of attention and yes, Mr. Entertainment. You may think I'm some nut job thinking that this departed one is moving things around in my house, but it has happened before. . . . on his birthday and the anniversary of his passing. Still think I'm crazy. . .  ask me about the missing cell phone some time.

So in anger, disbelief and pain, I cut out his image from black fabric, stitched it down and wrote him a personal note. He already knew what I was going to say. I'd said it all before, but I said it again. . . .

Here's the link to Ayala Art. This project is her baby: http://ilove2paint.blogspot.com/
Here's the link to the list of participating artists: 
This link will take to to my textilerecycler blog for more detailed info about this project & my creative and spiritual journey: http://textilerecycler.blogspot.com/


  1. I believe and have similar things happen pretty regularly. I am sorry for your loss. This is a wonderful tribute though =)

    1. Thank you Manda. Oddly, it makes me feel better to read it every once in a while..

  2. Beautiful Memorial for a Beloved! You really are quite talented!!!

